‘Black Films Matter:’ Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival begins virtually Thursday

The festival spans nine days and features many public speakers. (Source: Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival)








SOURCE: Cleveland 19 News | Avery Williams
September 10, 2020

Over 70 films, shorts, animations and documentaries will be showcased in the Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival (GCUFF), which is taking place virtually from Sept. 10 to 18.

There are screenings at Mayfield Drive-In on Friday and Saturday.

The 2020 theme is “Black Films Matter.”

“Every since 2011, GCUFF has resounded the message that Black Films not only matter, but should be acknowledged, celebrated, and shared,” Donna Dabbs, the Executive Director of GCUFF, said in a press release.

There will be a tribute to actor Chadwick Boseman, who recently died of colon cancer in his early 40s.

The festival begins with feature film, “The Best of Enemies.”

Check out the full schedule here.